package edu.kufpg.armatus.console; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.NavigableSet; import android.content.Intent; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import edu.kufpg.armatus.BaseActivity; import edu.kufpg.armatus.dialog.TerminalNotInstalledDialog; /** * Contains all {@link CustomCommandInfo}s and {@link Keyword}s that the console uses and allows * {@link ConsoleActivity1} to execute commands. */ public class CustomCommandDispatcher { public static final String CLIENT_COMMANDS_TAG = "Client"; private static final String CLEAR_INFO = "Hides all currently visible console entries. The entries will still be accessible from the command history."; private static final String CONNECT_INFO = "Attempts to connect to the HERMIT server. If successful, it will load additional commands."; private static final String EXIT_INFO = "Leaves the current console sessions, discarding any unsaved history."; private static final String TOAST_INFO = "Displays its arguments as a pop-up on the screen."; private static final String TERMINAL_INFO = "Opens Android Terminal Emulator, if installed."; private static final CustomCommandInfo CLEAR = new CustomCommandInfo(CLEAR_INFO, "clear", 0, true) { @Override protected void run(ConsoleActivity console, String... args) { console.clear(); } }; private static final CustomCommandInfo CONNECT = new CustomCommandInfo(CONNECT_INFO, "connect", 1, false) { @Override protected void run(ConsoleActivity console, String... args) { console.getHermitClient().connect("http://" + args[0] + ":3000"); } }; private static final CustomCommandInfo EXIT = new CustomCommandInfo(EXIT_INFO, "exit", 0) { @Override protected void run(ConsoleActivity console, String... args) { console.exit(false); } }; private static final CustomCommandInfo TOAST = new CustomCommandInfo(TOAST_INFO, "toast", 0, true) { @Override protected void run(ConsoleActivity console, String... args) { Toast toast = null; if (args.length == 0) { toast = Toast.makeText(console, "No arguments!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); } else { toast = Toast.makeText(console, varargsToString(args), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); }; } }; private static final CustomCommandInfo TERMINAL = new CustomCommandInfo(TERMINAL_INFO, "terminal", 0, true){ @Override protected void run(ConsoleActivity console, String... args) { String packageName = "jackpal.androidterm"; boolean installed = BaseActivity.appInstalledOrNot(console, packageName); if (installed) { Intent i = new Intent("jackpal.androidterm.RUN_SCRIPT"); i.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT); i.putExtra("jackpal.androidterm.iInitialCommand", varargsToString(args)); console.startActivity(i); } else { TerminalNotInstalledDialog tnid = new TerminalNotInstalledDialog();, "tnid"); } } }; private static final NavigableMap<String, CustomCommandInfo> CUSTOM_COMMAND_NAME_INFOS = mapCustomCommandNameInfos(); private static final NavigableSet<String> CUSTOM_COMMAND_NAMES = createCustomCommandNames(); private static final ListMultimap<String, String> CUSTOM_TAG_COMMAND_NAMES = mapCustomTagCommandNames(); private CustomCommandDispatcher() {} static NavigableMap<String, CustomCommandInfo> getCommandNameInfos() { return CUSTOM_COMMAND_NAME_INFOS; } static NavigableSet<String> getCommandSet() { return CUSTOM_COMMAND_NAMES; } static ListMultimap<String, String> getTagCommandNames() { return CUSTOM_TAG_COMMAND_NAMES; } /** * Attempts to run a {@link CustomCommandInfo} on the console. * @param console The {@link ConsoleActivity1} on which to run the {@link CustomCommandInfo}. * @param commandName The name of the {@code Command} to run. * @param args The parameters of the {@code Command}. */ public static void runCustomCommand(ConsoleActivity console, String commandName, String... args) { CustomCommandInfo command = CUSTOM_COMMAND_NAME_INFOS.get(commandName); if (command != null) { runCustomCommand(console, command, args); } } /** * Attempts to run a {@link CustomCommandInfo} on the console. * @param console The {@link ConsoleActivity1} on which to run the {@link CustomCommandInfo}. * @param commandThe {@code Command} to run. * @param args The parameters of the {@code Command}. */ private static void runCustomCommand(ConsoleActivity console, CustomCommandInfo command, String... args) { if (command.hasLowerArgBound()) { if (args.length < command.getArgsCount()) { console.appendErrorResponse("ERROR: " + command.getName() + " requires at least " + command.getArgsCount() + (command.getArgsCount() == 1 ? " argument." : " arguments.")); return; } } else if (args.length != command.getArgsCount()) { console.appendErrorResponse("ERROR: " + command.getName() + " requires exactly " + command.getArgsCount() + (command.getArgsCount() == 1 ? " argument." : " arguments.")); return; }, args); } public static CustomCommandInfo getCustomCommand(String commandName) { return CUSTOM_COMMAND_NAME_INFOS.get(commandName); } public static boolean isCustomCommand(String commandName) { return CUSTOM_COMMAND_NAME_INFOS.containsKey(commandName); } /** * Combines several strings into a single string, which each original string separated * by a space. * @param varargs The strings to combine into one. * @return A new string consisting of each input string separated by a space. */ private static String varargsToString(String... varargs) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for(String string : varargs) { builder.append(string).append(' '); } return builder.toString().trim(); } private static NavigableMap<String, CustomCommandInfo> mapCustomCommandNameInfos() { ImmutableSortedMap.Builder<String, CustomCommandInfo> commandBuilder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder(); return commandBuilder.put(CLEAR.getName(), CLEAR) .put(CONNECT.getName(), CONNECT) .put(EXIT.getName(), EXIT) .put(TERMINAL.getName(), TERMINAL) .put(TOAST.getName(), TOAST) .build(); } private static NavigableSet<String> createCustomCommandNames() { return CUSTOM_COMMAND_NAME_INFOS.navigableKeySet(); } private static ListMultimap<String, String> mapCustomTagCommandNames() { ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, String> tagMapBuilder = ImmutableListMultimap.builder(); return tagMapBuilder.putAll(CLIENT_COMMANDS_TAG, CUSTOM_COMMAND_NAME_INFOS.keySet()).build(); } }